How To Give Calendar Permissions In Outlook 2024

Outlook Calendar Permissions Private Appointments Qualads
Outlook Calendar Permissions Private Appointments Qualads from


Outlook 2024 is a popular email client that helps manage emails, contacts, and appointments. One of the most useful features of Outlook is its calendar function. But, sometimes, you might want to share your calendar with someone else or give them permission to edit it. In this article, we will discuss how to give calendar permissions in Outlook 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Outlook 2024

The first step is to open Outlook 2024 and go to the calendar section.

Step 2: Select the Calendar you want to share

In the calendar section, select the calendar that you want to share. Right-click on it and select “Sharing Permissions.”

Step 3: Add a new person

In the “Sharing Permissions” window, click on “Add” to add a new person. You can add the person’s email address or select them from your contacts list.

Step 4: Choose the type of permission

After adding the person, choose the type of permission you want to give them. There are three types of permissions:

  • Can view when I’m busy
  • Can view titles and locations
  • Can view all details

Step 5: Customize the permission

If you want to customize the permission, you can click on the “Permission Level” button and choose the specific permissions you want to give the person.

Step 6: Add a message (Optional)

You can also add a message to the person you’re sharing the calendar with. This message will be included in the email that they receive.

Step 7: Send the invitation

After customizing the permission and adding a message, click on “Send” to send the invitation to the person.

Step 8: Accept the invitation

The person you’ve shared the calendar with will receive an email invitation. They need to click on “Accept” to view the calendar.

Step 9: Collaborate with the person

After the person has accepted the invitation, they can collaborate with you on the calendar. They can view, edit, and add appointments to the calendar.


Q: Can I give calendar permissions to more than one person?

A: Yes, you can add multiple people and give them different types of permissions.

Q: What happens if I revoke the permission?

A: If you revoke the permission, the person will no longer be able to view or edit your calendar.

Q: Can I give permissions to someone who doesn’t have Outlook?

A: No, you can only give permissions to someone who has an Outlook account.


Giving calendar permissions in Outlook 2024 is a simple process. By following the above steps, you can easily share your calendar with someone else and collaborate with them. Just make sure to choose the right type of permission and customize it according to your needs.

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