How To Recall A Calendar Invite In Outlook 2024

Calendar Invite Example Outlook Graphics Calendar Template 2022
Calendar Invite Example Outlook Graphics Calendar Template 2022 from

The Importance of Recalling Calendar Invites

As we move towards the year 2024, Outlook continues to be one of the most widely used email and calendar applications in the world. One of the most important features of Outlook is the ability to send and receive calendar invites. However, there are times when we need to recall a calendar invite that we have sent out. This could be due to a mistake in the date or time, a change in the location of the meeting, or a change in the agenda. Whatever the reason may be, it is important to know how to recall a calendar invite in Outlook 2024.

What Happens When You Recall a Calendar Invite?

Before we go into the steps on how to recall a calendar invite in Outlook 2024, let us first understand what happens when you recall a calendar invite. When you recall a calendar invite, the recipient receives a notification that the invite has been cancelled. The recipient will then need to delete the original invite from their calendar. If the recipient has already accepted the invite, they will also receive a notification that the meeting has been cancelled.

How to Recall a Calendar Invite in Outlook 2024

Now that we understand what happens when you recall a calendar invite, let us look at the steps on how to do it in Outlook 2024.

  1. Open Outlook 2024 and go to your calendar.
  2. Locate the calendar invite that you want to recall.
  3. Double-click on the calendar invite to open it.
  4. Click on the “Recall This Message” button at the top of the window.
  5. Select “Delete the unread copies of this message” or “Delete the unread copies and replace with a new message” depending on your preference.
  6. Click “OK” to recall the calendar invite.
  7. If you have selected the option to replace the invite with a new message, compose your new message and click “Send.”

Question and Answer

Q: Can I recall a calendar invite if the recipient has already accepted it?

A: Yes, you can recall a calendar invite even if the recipient has already accepted it. However, the recipient will still receive a notification that the meeting has been cancelled.

Q: What happens if I recall a calendar invite that has already been declined by the recipient?

A: If a recipient has declined a calendar invite, recalling the invite will not have any effect as the meeting has already been declined.


In conclusion, knowing how to recall a calendar invite in Outlook 2024 is an important skill that every user should have. It is a simple process that can save you and your colleagues a lot of time and inconvenience. Remember to double-check your calendar invites before sending them out to avoid the need for a recall in the first place.

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